Wednesday, April 15, 2009

April 15th, 2009 26 weeks

The Longer the blessing is in coming, the sweeter it will be when it arrives.  That which is gained speedily by a single prayer is sometimes only a half weighted blessing but that which is gained after a tug and many an awful struggle is a full-weighted and a precious blessing.  The blessing that costs us the most in prayer will be worth the most.” 

 Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Today will mark the 25th day we have spent in the hospital with many ups and downs along the way so the quote above means so much to the challenges we have been facing. We know it is all worth it in the end and like Charles says the longer the wait and the harder it it is the greater the reward. I can't imagine what it will feel like to finally meet my three little babies.

The babies are all doing well and growing every day they are so active my stomach feels like microwave popcorn at times. We are expecting to have another ultrasound this week and will be able to see how much bigger they have gotten. I have stopped leaking amniotic fluid and Baby B (Noah) seems to have plenty of fluid around him to make it for as long as we can go. On Saturday the 11th I started contracting and they tried to stop them with shots of Tributiline but it was not working so I had to be put on Magnesium Sulfate which is given through an IV. We were scared at first since we were not sure how my body would react and the side effects I would be faced with but God took care of me and I am responding very well to the drug. I have no side effects other that a dry mouth and a headache which is a welcomed trade off to the contraction pain I was feeling. 

Our goal is to just make it to 28 weeks which is April 30th at this point the babies are mature enough that we would take them all home it would be a long road in the NICU but they will survive. At 28 weeks you have a 100% chance of survival without any major complications vs the 70% we are faced with right now at 26 weeks. God has been very good to us giving us the strength to cope with the daily challenges of the unknown. We have given it to him and continue to lean on him for strength and know he will bless these babies with a healthy chance for life. 

I am monitored for 30 minutes three times daily for contractions and the babies heartbeats are monitored as well. They are definitely active little boogers they do not like the noise or the devices and are always kicking and pushing up on them. The nurses laugh and tell us they can always tell who is going to have an attitude when they come out. Otherwise my day is filled with the daily influx of hospital staff, TV, reading a book  and sometimes a nap if I am lucky. I have lots of visitors thanks to a wonderful group of friends and family which really helps the weeks go by.  


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