Friday, June 26, 2009

Their Home!

Well all three babies are home! Noah and Carter came home Thursday and Emma came home today. Our first night with the boys home was so great we finally get to enjoy them and get to really see what they are all about. Justin did the 12am feeding and the 6am and I did the 3am so we both got about 6 hours of sleep and it was not too bad. Tonight will be our first night with all three so we are not sure how well it will go with one person feeding all three. Justin and I love having them home and it is so great seeing them all together again. We already do 2 loads of laundry a day and go through 24 diapers at least each day which is just the beginning. They eat every three hours and all eat 30 minutes apart so needless to say sleep will be not existent in our house for a few months.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! The pics are great and what a miracle of it all! So glad everyone is healthy and all home now. They are soooooo cute! I like Emma's bow hat! You did a great job. I know it was not easy. Enjoy your little blessings, hope to see you all soon.

