Sunday, March 29, 2009

Our Progress...March 29th

Our first 22 weeks went by pretty easily we were so blessed with no complications and the babies were doing great and developing ahead of schedule. We went in March 21st for our 23 week check-up and things really changed quickly for us. The ultrasound revealed very healthy babies but my cervix had thinned so much I needed an emergency cerclage where they sew it closed so you do not go into labor. I was admitted to the hospital that very moment and was monitored for contractions continuously and was prepared for surgery the next morning. At 7am Sunday the 22nd Dr. Adam arrived and examined me and one of the baby boy's membranes had ruptured and we were in a critical state at that point. She could no longer do the surgery and I was going to have to remain on bed rest at the hospital until I had the babies. We are now at 24 weeks and 3 days and have completed a full week on complete bed rest. I have to say this is the most challenging experience of my life and I know Justin feels the same. Things are stable as of today but we know how quickly that can change so we just take one day at a time.

Our days in the hospital have been pretty routine I am monitored 3-4 times a day for contractions and I have had very few the entire time I have been here which is wonderful. I also receive a medication every 4 hours to keep me from having them and going into labor. As of today I no longer have an IV drip and IV antibiotic which is kinda nice. They also listen to the babies heartbeats 3-4 times a day and make sure they are all good and not in distress especially the little boy with a ruptured sac. They have all been good and we have discovered they are night owls. They are always moving around during the night monitoring so I guess they take after mom in that sense but seem to be a little hyper like their dad used to be when he was a kid! Justin has not left the hospital or my side and has been the best nurse I could have ever hoped for. He does everything for me since I can no longer get out of bed or raise my body above a 45 degree angle I am pretty incapable of taking care of myself.

We are facing very premature babies if I go into labor so as of right now all we can do is hope and pray my body and the babies all cooperate and get us as far along as possible. Every day they stay inside is one day they get bigger. Infection is our only enemy at this point and it is very common with a ruptured sac but since Baby B, the ruptured one, is up higher and Baby A is low we have a  better shot of avoiding it. We just keep praying God will work a miracle and get us through this without any more complications. 

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