Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Our First Week!

Well we have made it through our first week with them home. We have been blessed with really sweet and good babies that enjoy eating and sleeping! They have been so good I think they are easing us into the parenting thing and saving up all of the crying for when we get really tired :)! We have been sharing the feedings at night which has been working out pretty well allowing us both to get some sleep. The eat every three hours so 2am, 5am, 8am, 11am, 2pm, 5pm, 8pm and 11pm. It takes about an hour and a half to change and feed all three babies and sometimes longer if they struggle getting back to sleep. Justin has gone back to work so he helps with the 5pm and does the 8pm when he gets home and does the 5am before he leaves for work. I go to sleep around 9pm and get up for the 11pm then go back to sleep at 3:30am and get up for the 8am. We just hired Maggie, a family friend, to help on Sunday and Tuesday nights she is going to do the 8pm and 11pm so we can really get some sleep those two nights. Our church Clear Creek Community has been wonderful and bringing dinner twice a week which has and is going to continue to be a huge lifesaver. We are so busy throughout the day that eating is the last thing you think about doing so when someone hands you a hot meal you remember to eat. We have had lots of visitors and just want everyone to know we definitely want to see everyone and want everyone to meet the babies but our Doctors have been very strict about not allowing anyone over that has been sick or around anyone that has been sick within a week and also to make sure everyone washes their hands and uses antibacterial gel before handling the babies. Also they have said no kids for a few months until the babes get more mature and have a more developed immune system. I went for my follow-up appointment with Dr. Adam and I have lost over 45 pounds so far which I was excited about. I have at least 10 more to go and I need to start doing some serious sit-ups to try and get this stomach back to normal but I am in no rush to start working out yet. I am still suffering some muscle atrophy from being on such confined bed rest but overall I feel so much stronger than I thought I would at this point.  We do have a Care Calender and if you wan to to come and help please take a look and sign-up for whenever works for you. 

The care calendar sign on is

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