Monday, April 27, 2009

My Husband...

I never thought bed rest would have such a positive influence on our marriage but it has made it so much stronger. They say planning a wedding, building a house and having a baby are the most stressful times on your marriage but bed rest needs to be added to this list. I am a very independent person I don't like being out of control. I am not a control freak by any means I just like being able to do things myself and not having to depend on others. If I don't know how to do something I would rather figure it out that ask someone for help. Well God has taught me a lesson recently in patience and humility. I have become completely dependent on others and can no longer do anything for myself.  My husband has always been the most important thing to me and I needed him in many ways but not in every way if that makes sense. Now he is my rock I could not survive without him and have realized more every day what an amazing person he is inside and out. You love your spouse and respect them and of course think they are wonderful but until you see them in a situation like we are in you really don't know them. I have never felt so loved and cared for in my life. My husband does everything for me and I mean everything I ask and so many things I don't ask and he does it with a smile and a great attitude. I never realized how big his heart really was until now and  to hear him talk about our babies and to see how he cares about all of our well being so much it just makes me feel like the luckiest woman in the world. Let me give you an idea of what he endures daily... he sleeps on a hard small sofa next to a hospital bed every night, eats hospital food every day, lives in 62 degrees AC and freezes all the time, gives daily sponge baths, shaves legs, washes hair, blow dries hair, changes bed pans, empties urinals, cleans up dirty room service trays, get snacks all the time at all hours of the day and night, runs a business from a hospital room, gets warm wash cloths for when I cry, gets cold wash cloths for when I am hot, gives out lots of encouragement every day, keeps a positive attitude for both of us, makes sure I get a hug and a kiss all of the time, wipes lots of tears away, holds my hand during contractions, helps me roll over in bed, rubs knots out of my back daily and massages aching legs. The most important thing is I know he will always be there for me or for us no matter what. My husband is the most devoted, loving, caring and sensitive man I have ever been around and I feel like God has given me such a wonderful gift and I am thankful we have had to go through these challenges because I think I would have missed out on really seeing what an amazing man I married.  


  1. stephanie, thanks for posting your blog on FB. i had no idea you were on bed rest. so hard for you, but it sounds like you are already a great mom taking care of your babies. and your husband sounds like he is doing more than a great job taking care of you. i saw where you are 28 wks that the deliver date for sure or was that just a goal to get to? either way, you made it! good for you. can't wait to see pics of your precious 3. will be keeping your family of 5 in my prayers!
    stephanie (moller) simpson

  2. That just makes me want to cry. Our bed rest husbands should get some kind of reward. Well, I think they will have their reward by Father's Day! You are a lucky lady!
